Monday, June 8, 2009

Bloo's Thinking

When you want to break it off with someone, make sure you are completely sure you don't want them because being the one to come back on your knees is not cool. Also you could end up with a big rejection in your face. Or even worse you can gain strong feelings back and then the person already has found someone else who seems way better. I don;'t know but this is just something I was thinking about. This is why I always try to remain as the dominant one. How do I do this? Easy, I'm Mean lol
Felt like this pick did some justice.


Nike said...

The pic is suitable [eww i just said that]...I feel you on the making sure you do not want the person thing but idk about the mean part...that can come off as not caring and you'd lose the person you care about or keep them doubting your feelings for them...which you don't want. =[