DopeYemi: What is your name for those who know not, & where do you reside?
A: name is Darren Hanible. Darren by definition means great. I currently reside in Laurel, MD not where I wanna be but all things happen for a reason!
DopeYemi: On average, how many hours out of your actual work time do you practice a week? (rap or anything that has to do with music that is)
A: I practice all the time. The only time I dont practice is when I sleep. At school im always writin thast covers the rap. Then I take band and piano which cover the music cuz I gotta do homework there too. And lastly Imma recording Tech specialist at Best Buy and thats the producing part.
DopeYemi: Are your working hours irregular? E.g. Night time and weekends?
A: Naw I'm always into something. I believe in consistency because if there isn't consistency then you always have to play catch up.
DopeYemi: Do you get paid enough to ensure an adequate lifestyle? or you are still independent?
A: If we talkin bout the music then HEEELLLLLLLLL NAAAWW...but I love it so it keeps me going...on the job side tho I make my bread.
DopeYemi: So your up coming project, what is it about & what should the people expect from it?
A: The project is entitled "Darkside Of The Moon" I named it after a Pink Floyd album. The music I heard on that joint was so different. Then I started to think about my musical difference and how people dnt really listen to cats like me. Thats when I was like daaamn moe I coming from the darkside of the moon. I mean its unknown matter fact what does anyone normal know about the darkside of the moon? Theres alot to expect including greatness.

DopeYemi: Did you need any formal qualifications to become a DMV rapper, if so, what?
A: I think to be taken seriously anywhere requires something but I wouldn't quite call them "qualifications" its more like a rights-of-passage thing. Its like you gotta make a name for yourself or niggas will carry you somethin serious. You gotta come correct you know and you gotta kno the right people. (SHOUT OUT PROLIFIC ENT)lol
DopeYemi: How many feature should we expect on the project or is it just a semi-solo project like the 808 & HeartBreaks?
A: This mixtape is definitely calling on some DMV heavy-hitters. We got The Waldorf Poster Boy Mouse, Chris Barz, Badio, Marky, and well idk from there but it may be a few more lls.
DopeYemi: What Are Your Goals for this project sir?
A: My goal is to make a splash. I weant people to know my name. Last year I had no buzz and now if you google me im on the whole first 2 pages and shit hahaha. I mean like it sounds funny but thats an accomplishment for a 17 yr old youngin ya dig? Its like damn fam Im getting somewhere so I wanna deliver good music and get my recognition.
DopeYemi: What Are Your Musical Weaknesses if you have any?
A: If anything is that I can't do it all at one time. I wish I could but I can't. Though I want to it is nor possible....yet next year holla at me and see what my answer is!! lol
DopeYemi: What would you do on a normal day of school Mr. Hanible?
A: First period I got fashion so I pay good attention second period is algebra I m good wit numbers so you could catch me knocked out in the 3rd row. Third period joe piano so Im up and at it gotta get better, and 4th period my teacher gives you like 3-4 weeks to turn in each assignment and they not even hard so I will let em pile up and write lyrics and do it all the week before.
DopeYemi: What Can You Do for the DMV is you get it the Music bizz?
A: Everything in my ability to put it on the map. I aint gonna go all Hollywood and I act like I dont kno my roots you will catch me back on the regular not just to shoot some video to make people think I rep when I dont the way you see me now you gon see me then!
DopeYemi: Any Last words for the People?
A: All I gotta sday is I love the DMV Imma forever represent like its no tomorrow believe that. I want yall to please cop that mixtape when it drops in January its a great way to bring in the new year. Matta fact ure resolution should be to listen to good music only and thats all.

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